Friday, July 31, 2015

Data visualization enriches user value of mobile coaching application

The intuitive and interactive interface of mCoachTM empowers sales management to analyze, plan, and execute sales force coaching and development programs more efficiently and effectively
Wilmington, NC (July 31, 2015)–Proficient Learning, LLC, announces the integration of robust data visualization capabilities into its mCoach application. The “visual data” aggregates historical performance at both the individual and team levels and combines it with previous coaching activity to deliver at-a-glance diagnostics. These visual tools enable sales managers to quickly prioritize conversations not only among individuals within the team, but around skills development as part of an overall coaching plan. The application offers sales managers an interactive and dynamic user experience with the ability to drill down to the individual performance level from several team-based diagnostics:
·        The Team Performance Bar provides the user QTD or YTD sales attainment and the number of field rides in the past 12 months
·        The Skill Diagnostics Window shows how a team is performing in each skill, a description of the skill, how many times the skill has been coached in the past 6 months, and the combined team average ratings by quarter
The benefit with visual and graphical representations of large quantities of information is virtual, on-demand business intelligence that can drive individualized coaching plans and improve sales performance.
 “We made every effort to design enhanced data visualization tools with features like color-coded ratings, bar charts, and trend lines for instant analysis of KPIs at both the team and individual level. Our goal was to create an application that’s not only quick and easy for the sales manager to use either in the field or remotely, but also aids in faster and better team performance analysis and prioritization. Visual data is integral to facilitating more relevant, useful, and timely feedback and coaching, all leading to higher-performing sales teams,” stated Gary Marinko, VP, Business Development.
About mCoach
mCoach is a mobile coaching application designed to enhance the quality and effectiveness with which management interacts with and develops the selling skills of their sales professionals. mCoach is a scalable, interactive coaching tool that simplifies the coaching and development process and enables managers to rapidly identify sales performance opportunities. 
About Proficient Learning, LLC
Since 2005, Proficient Learning has been creating customized sales performance and management training solutions that deliver sales results. As a leader in the pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device industries, Proficient Learning has built a suite of Ready-to-Train™ solutions based on extensive experience in the classroom and in the field, as well as management development programs to drive improved sales force effectiveness. For more information visit

For additional information on mCoach please contact:

Marcy Lantzy
VP, Innovation and New Product Development
Proficient Learning, LLC
Phone: 910.509.0104

Gary Marinko
VP, Business Development
Proficient Learning, LLC
Phone: 910.232.7598

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